Security Trainers Association

    Application Details

    Full name of Registered Training Organisation / Company

    Company ACN Number

    Registered Trading Name (if different to Company Name)

    Business Company Address (if applicable)

    Business Address

    Postal Address (if postal and street address are the same, please write AS ABOVE)



    Email Address :

    Website Address :

    Authorised Representative

    Full name of person nominated to attend at meetings and to whom communications are sent:

    Position in the Company

    Date of Birth :

    Business Address (if different from Section 1.)





    In the event that the Authorised Representative changes, please notify STA immediately

    Company / Business Details

    Business Structure: (please circle)

    Full names of the Directors (company) or Principals (partnership) :

    Has the applicant ever had their Registered Training Organisation Revoked?


    Is the enterprise a current member of any other Security Industry Organisation?


    RTO History

    Are you an approved RTO with your state licensing regulator?

    If NO have you applied for approval?

    If NO when do you intend on becoming an approved RTO?

    Number of years in business years

    What are you approved to deliver in the security industry through the State Licensing Regulator?


    Professional Development
    In relation to what topics would you like to complete professional development offered by the STA?




    I / We, certify that to the best of my / our knowledge and belief the information given in this application is true and correct in every detail. I / We authorise STA to make any enquiries it considers necessary to enable this application to be considered.

    I / We agree, if elected to membership, to be bound by Model Rules, Policies and Procedures. If purchased, I agree to not use the training resources provided by the Security Trainers Association in any form of franchise arrangement unless approved by the committee.

    Full 12 month corporate membership is $370.


    Cheque/Money Order - I enclose a cheque / money order of $ which represents payment of the first year or part thereof (up until the end of the current financial year) from the time that this membership is received and / or approved by the Security Trainers Association Inc.

    Bank Deposit - A/C Name: Security Trainers Association Inc BSB: 083-352 A/C No. 16-113-7286

    I / We further understand that I / We may resign from membership by giving three months written notice to the Association and all fees due and payable during that period apply. I / We also understand that, in the event of my / our resignation from the association any fees or monies owing to the Association during the period in which the resignation takes effect are a debt due to the Association.

    Applicant Name

    Title :

    Date :

    Attachments (Please provide the following with your application)

    Signature of the Applicant/s