You have reached the Feedback page for the resources licensed from the Security Trainers Association to the Security Training Industry.
The Security Trainers Association (STA) encourages continual improvement of the products and services it provides to members in order to enhance each organisations compliance, effectiveness and efficiency, as well as to improve the satisfaction of its members.
For the achievement of ongoing improvement, procedures are in place to measure and monitor the satisfaction of members in relation to the resources and assessments offered and to assure conformity to the required standards.
Improvement measures are currently underway to update many of the resource and assessment packages offered for the benefit of all members in line with requirements from the (VRQA) Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority through the ‘VRQA GUIDELINES FOR VET PROVIDERS’, the AQTF, ASQA Standards for RTO’s 2015 and the (LRD) Licensing & Regulation Division.
In line with these current improvements the STA is asking feedback from its members on what key adjustments each organisation believes would benefit the resources and assessments on offer. This feedback is integral to the moderation and validation of the STA resources and assessments and will aid in producing better quality products for all.
Click below to provide full detailed feedback, or some basic information (time restrictive):