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Welcome to your new STA Dashboard. Below you will find your induction and access to your chosen resources.
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One of the benefits to having a membership with the Security Trainers Association is the quality resources that have been designed to suit both ASQA and state regulated RTO’s.
Download the demo files below to see the quality of our products and hit the order button or email us on info@securitytrainersassociation.com.au to find out more.
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The effective security officer’s training manual.
The Effective Security Officer’s Training Manual, Third Edition teaches today’s security officers the most important aspects of performing the job of a security officer professionally and effectively. Training is the most important element in becoming a professional security officer, but it is also often overlooked or underutilized. This straightforward, easy-to-follow, and well-organized text covers the essentials that security officers need as they face issues of growing technology and an emphasis on proactiveness and vigilance.
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Teaches practicing security professionals how to build their careers by mastering the fundamentals of good management. This book brings a time-tested blend of common sense, wisdom, and humor to introduction to workplace dynamics.